Saturday, 29 January 2011

Shallow DoF


I rolled the dices and got everything!
Captured position is completely random.

Mood music for today is no music at all. Or maybe it is. The Conet Project - The Swedish Rhapsody is an excerpt from a 4CD set of recordings of numbers stations, "mysterious shortwave radio stations of uncertain origin." If you want to know more, you can start with this.


  1. Oh, I LOVE this! I'm curious -- Are the front ones really only blurred from DOF, or did you do some other processing to them?

  2. Very awesome random throw! I can't believe you HAVE so many dice. And I love the high key look of this as well as that shallow DoF. Very nice work!

  3. This has got to be my favourite of your shots so far. This shot is coooool!

  4. Looks like a fresh dice fall! I'm impressed with your "luck". What a perfect random piece to accompany your lovely photo.

  5. You either have a lot of dice or did something clever with mirrors. Anyhow it's a great dof effect.

  6. What a great, clean image! I swear I can "see" your pics hanging in a gallery somewhere!!

  7. This shot just makes me smile! I really like this..for the black and white, the wonderful DOF and just a great idea!

  8. Nice high key and great DOF. Having it in front and behind really makes this one special! well done.

  9. Oooh awesome! I love it so much I may have to steal the idea for my marbles one day!

  10. This was my favourite so far. Such a cool photo, just B&W yet it's so alive. And the shallow DoF just completes it!
